Our Farm

When we embarked on the 2021 farming season, our intention was simple.

To produce the cleanest, potent, high quality hemp flower possible. Here’s how we did it. 

For starters, we operate in a unique climatic region.Our farm sits at 6200’ elevation in Central Utah. Surrounded by mountains & plateaus, all the water in our aquifers comes from snow melt. Hence, the water is super clean and free from heavy metals. It also never exceeds 50 degrees, even in the dead of summer.Despite being in a valley, the region does not receive much rainfall. The climate isover all, very dry.

 The dryness of the region gives us multiple advantages. First, the lack of ambient moisture prevents diseases like powdery mildew, mold, bud rot or botrytis from even beginning to form. Second, our soils dry out quickly – this helps prevent over-watering and allows us to keep our drip irrigation lines running constantly. Third, when it comes time to harvest, we don’t have to worry about our flower retaining too much moisture.

 One of the biggest problems that hemp farmers run into with outdoor cultivation, especially at scale – is the presence of insects. This is yet another problem we simply don’t have. Due to the temperatures in the region, along with the dryness, most insects simply don’t inhabit the area. Besides typical horseflies, bees & the occasional grasshopperwe don’t have this concern. Why does this matter? We didn’t spray our crop with one single insecticide. Not one. Remember what we said about clean cannabis? ;)

 In fact, the only time our crop was sprayed with anything except natural rainwater that fell from the sky, was right when the photoperiod (light cycle) was changing. Right when our plants began to flip from vegetative to flowering, we sprayed a beneficial concoction of sea kelp, B-Vitamins, & Phosphorous. This gave our plants a massive boost as they transitioned into their final phase of life.

 The next aspect that guaranteed a clean crop – our nutrients. Because of the amount ofplants we put into the ground (25,000) and the size of our full time team (3 people) we needed an effective nutrient delivery system that gave us flexibility and efficiency. We opted to use a Controlled Release Fertilizer from Beanstalk CRF. A simple 2-part system that gave our plants all the nutrition they needed. Beanstalk makes an incredible product and their products have turned out crop after crop of top shelf cannabis – on both the THC & CBD sides. We applied the Beanstalk CRF to every single plant on our farm – by hand. Ensuring that every single plant received the proper dosage of food to bring it to its fullest potential.

 So you take a temperate, dry climate; with endless clean, mountain water; zero pesticides or insecticides; and a line of nutrients that have proven themselves to produce the highest quality cannabis – it all adds up to one thing. Clean, medical grade hemp flower.

The process didn’t end there.

We harvested our entire farm by hand. Yes, we walked the fields and cut down every single plant by hand. Then bucked (removed the buds/flower from the stems) by hand. The only machine(s) we used – were a team of Mobius trimmers & aVentco LLC hemp dryer. These machines allowed us to work efficiently & effectively, ensuring that we were able to harvest 100% of our crop. We left no plants behind.

After trimming & drying, it was time to cure. This is a step that is overlooked by MANY, MANY hemp farmers. Any cannabis farmer that has demonstrable experience knows that the CURE is the most important step of the harvest process. It’s where TONS of cannabisgets ruined. Not here. We put every single bud into 6-mil translucent drum liners and placed them in a cool, dry facility for several weeks. Keeping the humidity set at58% and the temperature at 60 degrees. Every single day the bags were opened for 2 hours and then closed again.

Once we were satisfied with the end result, we stored all of our flower inair tight drums to await whateverit’s next phase would be – whether it was sent off to the processor to become distillate or it was sent to our pre-roll facility.

So when you ingest any product from ANY1 CBD, know this: It all started from proven, tested plant genetics that were grown as cleanly as possible with love & good intentions from the start. This is what sets ANY1 CBD apart from so many CBD companies out there. We start with the source and carefully monitor every single step of the process. We’re farmers first – consumers second – and businessmen third. This company is SO much more than just a name and alogo. Our team has decades of cannabis experience and two of our founders have multi-generational farming backgrounds. We aren’t corporate cannabis or some “finance bros” that decided owning a CBD company would be “cool”. We care about cannabis. We care about our clients. We care about our products. We care about this industry. We knew that we could do BETTER – for everyone. For ANY1. So that’s exactly what we did.
